Trinity Church Anniversary – 50

(yes 50) years this week since Trinity opened. Church Stewards and others had planned lots of things to celebrate during this anniversary month but sadly, COVID19 has scuppered them for the time being. However, we will not be beaten! Instead of just an anniversary month perhaps we can have a ‘golden’ anniversary year instead and as lockdown rules are gradually lifted we can find ways in which to celebrate all that is good about church life here.

If people have ideas how we can celebrate our 50th Anniversary during this time feel free to let me know. In my head doing something with ‘50’ (or multiples of 5) as being a significant number seems like a lovely idea – e.g. cycle 50 miles!…..walk around the park 50 times!!, do 50 sit ups!!!, write 50 letters of encouragement, make 50 phone calls, recall 50 people significant in your life and give thanks for them, donate £50 (or £500) for church funds, raise £50 for the community or for charity – but whatever you do, do it in recognition of all we celebrate here as a worshipping community in our 50th year. And perhaps share your story through this news sheet.

I think Wally Thompson our church architect, local preacher and friend to many here could not have said it better when he said ‘ “I see the whole building as an expression of HOPE – hope for the future, hope for our young people, hope built on the faith of our people through these times of economic stress” He went on to say “My greatest hope is not that people who come and see this church will ask, ‘Who designed it? ‘, but that all will know that God is HERE and that he is present in the hearts of his people. When they read the inscription on the foundation stone ‘built to the glory of God’, may they say, ‘Yes, indeed, it lS to the glory of God ‘.”

This vision is still relevant today as we look at ways of expanding both our spiritual and community activities. Thank you to all of you, who through your attendance, financial support, community and church activities, prayers, gifts, talents and faith make Trinity ‘our church’. A place of welcome, sanctuary, support and friendship to all. Happy 50th Birthday Trinity. Julian



4th September 2020 (22rd Sunday in Ordinary Time)

COLLECT Go before us Lord in all that we do, with your most gracious favour, and guide us with your continual help, that in all our works, begun, continued and ended in you, we may glorify your holy name, and finally, by your mercy, obtain everlasting life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bible Readings (Lectionary): Exodus 12:1-14, Psalm 149, Romans 13:8-14, Matthew 18:15-20