Update on COVID 19 Regulations (from the Methodist Church):

The key points are:

  1. Education establishments to remain open at present (this is assumed to include pre-schools subject to details);
  2. Community & church cafés should only operate a table service and close by 10pm;
  3. All staff and customers in community and church cafes, charity shops, etc will now have to wear a face covering (unless seated for eating/drinking where relevant);
  4. In many sectors, which might include projects run through churches, working to Covid-secure guidelines will now be a legal obligation;
  5. Weddings will only be able to have a maximum of 15 people (down from 30) attending the service and reception afterwards;
  6. Funeral numbers allowed to attend remain unchanged at 30 people;
  7. Currently new shielding measures for those who are more vulnerable remain unchanged at present;
  8. Places of Worship are allowed to remain open We have received several queries about the new rule of 6 and how it impacts churches. The government has yet to publish more specific guidelines but based on the brief information received, it is our understanding that the number relates to the maximum group size before they come into church and therefore can sit together in church. It is not a directive to sit people together in groups of 6 as part of worship. You can continue to space chairs and people as before with 2m distancing between household groups, which could be individuals, couples, larger families, etc.

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