Re-starting services in Church alternate weeks from 4th April

Just to confirm we will be holding our first service in church since lockdown tomorrow, Sunday 4th April starting at 10.45am. This service will be led by Rev Peter Rayson.

Services in Trinity after this will then be every other week. Those weeks when we are not in church we will continue to hold Zoom services at 10.00am for those that can access them. Obviously, everyone is welcome in church but first and foremost we have to consider safety. Therefore, here there are some rules we must follow.

  1. Entry and exit (other than for fire and emergency) is by the main entrance at the front of the church.
  2. We will monitor capacity (we think we can get in around 50 people with social distancing). We hope not to have to turn anyone away.
  3. Temperature using a thermal thermometer and contact details will be taken at the entrance (this is just an extra precaution we are taking at Trinity and is not something that is necessarily done elsewhere).
  4. People should follow the guidance of sanitising using the gels etc available at the entrance and wear face masks whilst in church (the exception being under 11’s and those with medical conditions such as ashma etc). People leading the service and readers do not need to wear a mask when at the lectern but can wear a visor if they wish (bring their own)
  5. People will be guided to and from their seats by stewards to ensure safe distancing (and this will probably be different to where you may normally sit). We will fill from the front.
  6. There will be no use of service or hymn books – anything relevant will be on screen. Sadly, we cannot sing at this time but solo performances are allowed from the lectern area
  7. There will be a collection basket by the entrance to the worship space and people are requested to place their offering in there as they come in or as they leave – there will be no bag collection during the service
  8. The only toilet available will be the disabled one – people are asked to clean down all touch points after use using the materials provided (in any event a steward will clean down between use)
  9. Sadly also there will be no refreshments – and people should bring their own water if they feel they might need drink.
  10. Sadly, too there is to be no congregating in or close to the building
  11. However, feel free to smile, nod, wave, talk through your mask, encourage and support! These are strange times for us all.