Sunday Morning Worship

Trinity Methodist Church

Sunday Morning Worship with Holy Communion for the 2nd Sunday in Advent at Trinity (Rev. L. Richards)

Christmas Coffee Morning

Trinity Methodist Church

Christmas Coffee Morning with a raffle of Christmas Hampers, a craft stall and some Carol Singing

Sunday Morning Worship

Trinity Methodist Church

Sunday Morning Worship for the 3rd Sunday in Advent (Rev. R. Soanes)

Carols and Mince Pies

Trinity Methodist Church

Carols and Mince Pies with lots of opportunities to join in singing and enjoy refreshments at the end

Christingle Service

Trinity Methodist Church

Christingle Service and Nativity story for the whole family (Rev. M. Keenan)

Candlelight Service

Trinity Methodist Church

Candlelight Service to welcome in Christmas Day

Christmas Morning Worship

Corton Methodist Church

Joint service for Christmas Day at Corton Methodist (Rev. R. Soanes)

Sunday Morning Worship

Trinity Methodist Church

Sunday Morning Worship (Mrs. S. Groome)