About us

Trinity Methodist Church Lowestoft is a Christian Church, part of the Methodist Church of Great Britain. The calling of the Methodist Church is to respond to the gospel of God’s love in Christ and to live out its discipleship in worship and mission. Trinity was built in 1970 following a move from the High Street Methodist Church in Lowestoft.

More details on Methodism can be found at: http://www.methodist.org.uk/

Our community
Trinity serves a diverse community, welcoming regular worshippers from across Lowestoft and the surrounding area as well visitors. All are welcome here. As well as regular worship various small groups meet to explore their faith in different ways, for example through Bible Study or discussions. In addition, we also hold social events such as ‘Quiz Nights’, ‘Film nights’, Bring and Share’ meals as a means of encouraging friendship.
Events are notified on Facebook, Notice Boards, in our weekly newsletter, our quarterly news sheet and where appropriate in the community news section of The Lowestoft Journal. Friendships are made and experiences of Christian living shared in both our formal worship and fellowship together. We are always looking for new ideas and ways in which we can develop our relationships with each other, with our community and with God. This is underpinned by a developing pastoral care system which encourages everyone to look out for each other.
Supporting Charities and Community Organisations 
As a church we have raised around £2000 for various charities over the last year. We support Fair Trade initiatives and we hold Coffee Mornings and fund-raising activities in aid of various charities. A number of individuals are active supporters of charities close to their hearts and beliefs.